Denfeld High Class of 1965
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Denfeld High Class of 1965 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 13
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear at good old Denfeld High.   Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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Jack and Larry
Posted By: Mary Forsberg Arnson
Views: 4466

Tim Michaels
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4437

Judy, Ginny, Linda and Bev
Posted By: Judy Kirk
Views: 4423

Photo of Orval Skarman donated by someone from the Class of 1966.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 6212

Here is an Ensign (now torn down) Kindergarten Class Photo with some names I remember.
Posted By: Bob Kolquist
Views: 6329

The Dance Band -- 'Ching Ching Swing' -- an evening of dancing for the parents held in the Denfeld cafeteria
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 7055

The Shadows -- Dave Engen, Jim Engen, Don Cummings
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 7002

The Royalites -- Erling Peterson, Roger Rilling, Jeff Youngstrom, Rod Larva, Dick Lundeen, Sherm Carlson, Todd Sletten
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 7085

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